Recording A Sermon in OBS

  1. Launch OBS
  2. Launch PowerPoint
  3. Hit F5 to play PowerPoint presentation
  4. Alt-Tab to go back to OBS
  5. Have the speaker test the mic and make sure you see input on the Mic/Aux audio input
  6. Make sure everyone’s phones/watches/devices/keys are silenced
  7. Let the speaker know you will give them a 3-2-1 countdown with your fingers
  8. Click ‘Start Recording’ (NOT ‘Start Streaming’)
  9. Alt-Tab back to the PowerPoint slideshow window (the black full screen one) (otherwise the clicker won’t work)
  10. After sermon, alt-tab back to OBS
  11. Click ‘Stop Recording’
  12. Open Chrome
  13. Go to YouTube
  14. Make sure YouTube is logged in as the church’s account
  15. Click Create
  16. Click Upload
  17. Title the message with the sermon title and date, eg, “Fear vs Faith – 03/22/2020”
    Follow the prompts
  18. Once it is ready to finish uploading, you can just leave it.
  19. A 1GB video will take about 2 hours to upload to YouTube, and about 30 minutes for YouTube to process.