Streaming a Sermon in OBS

  1. Wake up the camera keyboard by clicking the CAM ON/OFF button
  2. Wake up the camera itself by clicking and holding the CAM ON/OFF button for 3 seconds
  3. Launch Chrome and go to YouTube
  4. Make sure the Faith Baptist Church account is logged in (look for shield in top right of window)
  5. Click on Create button (the little movie camera), then click Go Live
  6. Click on the Schedule Stream button
  7. The next window may ask to use the last streaming settings; click Create New
  8. For the new stream enter the following:
    1. Worship Service [Date]
    2. Optional: Title the message with the sermon title and date, eg, “Fear vs Faith – 03/22/2020”
    3. Public
    4. Nonprofits & Activism
    5. Set the service start time
    6. Yes, It’s made for kids
    7. Save
    8. Now if you open YouTube on a different device, you should see the thumbnail for the stream
  9. In the next window, look for “Stream key (paste in encoder)” and click the Copy button
  10. Launch OBS
  11. Click Settings
  12. Click Stream
  13. Paste the stream key into the “Stream Key” box and hit Apply
  14. About 15 minutes before the service set the Scene to Overhead
  15. click ‘Start Streaming’ (NOT ‘Start Recording’)
  16. Go to the YouTube page and click the red “Start Stream” button (it may take a couple of minutes)
  17. After the sermon click ‘Stop Streaming’ in OBS
  18. Click the red “End Stream” button in YouTube